Violent Sedated order @ deep-audio
The first album from 1999! Well defined frequency pulsations, multi-layered effects and percussions creating a psycho-electronic journey into paranormal, intoxicating and gliding dimensions, a sonic mandate that really brings out the hidden textures buried within.
Tracklist: 1. Fluoxetine Hydrochloride (70 mg) 2. Loxapine (220 mg) 3. Amphetamine Sulfate (100 mg) 4. Phenobarbital (175 mg) 5. Paroxetine HCl (50 mg) 6. Triazolam (0,4 mg) 7. Lithium Carbonate (900 mg) 8. Diazepam (30 mg) 9. Phenelzine (70 mg) 5:29 10.Trazdone (500 mg) 11. Chlorpromazine (250 mg)